10 research outputs found

    IoT-based platform for automated IEQ spatio-temporal analysis in buildings using machine learning techniques

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    Financiaciado para publicaci贸n en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGProviding accurate information about the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) conditions inside building spaces is essential to assess the comfort levels of their occupants. These values may vary inside the same space, especially for large zones, requiring many sensors to produce a fine-grained representation of the space conditions, which increases hardware installation and maintenance costs. However, sound interpolation techniques may produce accurate values with fewer input points, reducing the number of sensors needed. This work presents a platform to automate this accurate IEQ representation based on a few sensor devices placed across a large building space. A case study is presented in a research centre in Spain using 8 wall-mounted devices and an additional moving device to train a machine learning model. The system yields accurate results for estimations at positions and times never seen before by the trained model, with relative errors between 4% and 10% for the analysed variables.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. RTI2018-096296-B-C2Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. FPU17/ 01834Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. FPU19/01187Universidad de Vigo | Ref. 00VI 131H 641.0

    Lighting simulation tools and optimization algorithms applied to modelling, calibration and optimization of outdoor lighting installations

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    La iluminaci贸n de los viales de circulaci贸n es un servicio esencial para las ciudades y sus habitantes por sus beneficios en el bienestar, la salud, la seguridad y la prevenci贸n de delitos. Sin embargo, es una fuente de consumo considerable que adem谩s contribuye a la contaminaci贸n del cielo nocturno. Al mismo tiempo, se trata de un sector con un gran potencial de ahorro energ茅tico, teniendo en cuenta que en la actualidad todav铆a existen numerosas instalaciones con fuentes de luz ineficientes en todo el mundo. La optimizaci贸n de las instalaciones de iluminaci贸n juega un papel importante en las estrategias de reducci贸n del consumo de energ铆a y de la contaminaci贸n. En instalaciones nuevas, un adecuado dise帽o es crucial para asegurar los requisitos de iluminaci贸n asociados al tipo de v铆a al mismo tiempo que se reducen las emisiones y el consumo. Por otra parte, en fases de explotaci贸n cobra especial relevancia el control y la gesti贸n del funcionamiento y el consumo de los sistemas de iluminaci贸n. Tanto para la optimizaci贸n como para la gesti贸n de los sistemas de iluminaci贸n, las t茅cnicas de simulaci贸n lum铆nica son una herramienta muy 煤til y prometedora que facilita la elaboraci贸n y evaluaci贸n de diferentes estrategias dirigidas a minimizar el consumo. Para obtener resultados que realmente resulten de utilidad, las herramientas de simulaci贸n deben alimentarse con modelos precisos y realistas. A menudo se observan importantes discrepancias entre los resultados de las simulaciones y datos reales de monitorizaci贸n cuando se trata de validar un modelo. Esto evidencia la importancia de emplear modelos calibrados. Existen diferentes t茅cnicas de calibraci贸n que permiten modificar ciertos par谩metros con el prop贸sito de mejorar el modelado y obtener resultados m谩s fiables y similares al comportamiento real de la instalaci贸n. En el caso del modelado de instalaciones de iluminaci贸n vial, la dificultad reside principalmente en reflejar las condiciones en las que se encuentran tanto las luminarias como el pavimento. Especialmente en la simulaci贸n de instalaciones ya existentes, a menudo no se tiene en cuenta el deterioro que sufre la luminaria con el tiempo o este se considera constante a lo largo del tiempo y para todas las luminarias de la instalaci贸n. Por otra parte, en el modelado de los pavimentos se suelen utilizar modelos de reflexi贸n elaborados con datos antiguos y desactualizados, que no son representativos de los materiales empleados en la actualidad. el objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una metodolog铆a de calibraci贸n espec铆fica para instalaciones de iluminaci贸n p煤blica que aporte fiabilidad a los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones. El m茅todo que se presenta en esta tesis consta de tres fases en las que se mejora el modelo de forma sucesiva actuando sobre diferentes par谩metros: en primer lugar, se identifican los factores de mantenimiento para considerar la depreciaci贸n del flujo luminoso de cada una de las luminarias; a continuaci贸n, se estima el coeficiente de luminancia medio del pavimento para reflejar en el modelo la luminosidad real del mismo; y por 煤ltimo, se adaptan las coeficientes de luminancia reducidos para corregir el modo en el que la luz se refleja en el pavimento. La metodolog铆a desarrollada se valida a lo largo de tres art铆culos de investigaci贸n publicados en revistas cient铆ficas y evaluados seg煤n el proceso de revisi贸n por pares. En los diferentes art铆culos se analiza la aplicaci贸n de las tres fases del procedimiento de calibraci贸n a instalaciones de iluminaci贸n reales. En el primer art铆culo, se presenta la metodolog铆a desarrollada y empleada como base en toda la serie de art铆culos y se analiza la validez de la primera fase del m茅todo a trav茅s de la identificaci贸n de los factores de mantenimiento de las luminarias de diversas instalaciones. En el segundo art铆culo, se determina la luminosidad y las propiedades de reflexi贸n del pavimento de una nueva instalaci贸n. Para modelar las propiedades de reflexi贸n del pavimento se emplea un m茅todo de aproximaci贸n novedoso desarrollado espec铆ficamente con esta finalidad. Esta 煤ltima fase del proceso de calibraci贸n tambi茅n se pone a prueba en el tercer art铆culo, en el que se presenta otro m茅todo de aproximaci贸n con resultados mejorados respecto al anterior y se compara con m茅todos alternativos para el modelado de las propiedades de reflexi贸n reales del pavimento. Los resultados obtenidos avalan la fiabilidad de la metodolog铆a y evidencian la necesidad de aplicar este tipo de t茅cnicas en el modelado de las instalaciones. Los errores que se comenten en el proceso de simulaci贸n se reducen de forma significativa cuando se aplican las tres fases del procedimiento desarrollado. Tener en cuenta el deterioro real de las luminarias repercute en el flujo luminoso considerado para la luminaria y afecta especialmente al c谩lculo de la iluminancia. Esta medida tambi茅n tiene efecto sobre la luminancia, pero en los resultados del segundo art铆culo se confirma la necesidad de aplicar correcciones adicionales ya que la reducci贸n no es suficiente como para considerar calibrado el modelo. En esta direcci贸n, se obtienen muy buenos resultados para la reducci贸n del error cuando se estima la luminosidad real del pavimento, que se acent煤an tras la adaptaci贸n de las propiedades de reflexi贸n en lugar de emplear los modelos convencionales

    Maintenance factor identification in outdoor lighting installations using simulation and optimization techniques

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    This document addresses the development of a novel methodology to identify the actual maintenance factor of the luminaires of an outdoor lighting installation in order to assess their lighting performance. The method is based on the combined use of Radiance, a free and open-source tool, for the modeling and simulation of lighting scenes, and GenOpt, a generic optimization program, for the calibration of the model. The application of this methodology allows the quantification of the deterioration of the road lighting system and the identification of luminaires that show irregularities in their operation. Values lower than 9% for the error confirm that this research can contribute to the management of street lighting by assessing real road conditions.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN852A/81Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481

    Model calibration methodology to assess the actual lighting conditions of a road infrastructure

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    Street lighting plays an important role in the comfort and safety of drivers and pedestrians, so the control and management of the lighting systems operation and consumption is an essential service for a city. In this document, a methodology is presented to calibrate lighting models in order to assess the lighting performance through simulation techniques. The objective of this calibration is to identify the maintenance factor of the street lamps, determine the real average luminance coefficient of the road pavement and adapt the reflection properties of the road material. The method is applied in three stages and is based on the use of Radiance and GenOpt software suits for the modeling, simulation, and calibration of lighting scenes. The proposed methodology achieves errors as low as 13% for the calculation of illuminance and luminance, evincing its potential to assess the actual lighting conditions of a road.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. FPU17/0183

    Maintenance Factor Identification in Outdoor Lighting Installations Using Simulation and Optimization Techniques

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    This document addresses the development of a novel methodology to identify the actual maintenance factor of the luminaires of an outdoor lighting installation in order to assess their lighting performance. The method is based on the combined use of Radiance, a free and open-source tool, for the modeling and simulation of lighting scenes, and GenOpt, a generic optimization program, for the calibration of the model. The application of this methodology allows the quantification of the deterioration of the road lighting system and the identification of luminaires that show irregularities in their operation. Values lower than 9% for the error confirm that this research can contribute to the management of street lighting by assessing real road conditions

    Photovoltaic power prediction using artificial neural networks and numerical weather data

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    The monitoring of power generation installations is key for modelling and predicting their future behaviour. Many renewable energy generation systems, such as photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, strongly depend on weather conditions. However, in situ measurements of relevant weather variables are not always taken into account when designing monitoring systems, and only power output is available. This paper aims to combine data from a Numerical Weather Prediction model with machine learning tools in order to accurately predict the power generation from a photovoltaic system. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is used to predict power outputs from a real installation located in Puglia (southern Italy) using temperature and solar irradiation data taken from the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) sflux model outputs. Power outputs and weather monitoring data from the PV installation are used as a reference dataset. Three training and testing scenarios are designed. In the first one, weather data monitoring is used to both train the ANN model and predict power outputs. In the second one, training is done with monitoring data, but GDAS data is used to predict the results. In the last set, both training and result prediction are done by feeding GDAS weather data into the ANN model. The results show that the tested numerical weather model can be combined with machine learning tools to model the output of PV systems with less than 10% error, even when in situ weather measurements are not available.Universidade de Vigo | Ref. 00VI 131H 641.02Ministerio de Universidades (Espa帽a) | Ref. FPU17/01834Ministerio de Universidades (Espa帽a) | Project: RTI2018-096296-B-C2Universidade de Vigo | 00VI 131H 641.02Ministerio de Universidades | FPU17 / 01834Ministerio de Universidades | RTI2018-096296-B-C

    Profitability of Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems for Small Industrial Consumers in Spain under Current Regulatory Framework and Energy Prices

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    In recent years, important regulatory changes have been introduced in Spain in the fields of self-consumption and energy tariffs. In addition, electricity prices have risen sharply, reaching record highs in the last year. This evidences the need to conduct new research studies in order to provide an accurate picture of the profitability of battery energy storage systems and photovoltaic systems. This paper proposes a complex simulation tool developed to assist in the optimal design of these kinds of facilities. The tool is used in this study to analyze the benefits of including batteries in PV systems under different self-consumption models, different consumer profiles and different locations across the country. The research results indicate that at current electricity prices, the use of batteries is less profitable than selling excess energy to the grid, unless the price of batteries drops drastically by more than 50% in all the cases analyzed. However, at current battery prices, they become a valuable resource in facilities that do not feed energy surplus into the grid

    Use of optimised MLP neural networks for spatiotemporal estimation of indoor environmental conditions of existing buildings

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    Controlling the indoor environmental quality in real time is essential for the health, well-being and productivity of occupants of a building. In recent years, research has focused on improving monitoring devices and strategies and developing techniques for estimating indoor conditions. The use of machine learning algorithms in this context has increased considerably. However, monitoring data in real time from large multizone working areas is challenging. The aim of this work is to provide an interpolation methodology based on the use of optimised multilayered perceptron neural networks to estimate the indoor environmental conditions of a building in real time. These estimations are obtained without the need for neither monitoring in the occupied working area nor human intervention and considering low-cost sensors. The neural network is optimised by implementing the multiobjective genetic algorithm NSGA-II to find the best architecture in terms of error and complexity. This method was applied to the building of a research centre in north-western Spain, where interpolated values for indoor air temperature, relative humidity and CO concentration were obtained. The results of this case study yielded relative errors close to 6% for temperature, 5% for relative humidity, and 12% for CO concentration. These values validate the methodology developed for the estimation of indoor environmental conditions and the contribution of this research to the improvement of the monitoring and control of the indoor environmental quality of a building.Financiado para publicaci贸n en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGAgencia Estatal de Investigaci贸n | Ref. RTI2018-096296-B-C2Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. FPU17/01834Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades | Ref. FPU19/0118

    Optimization of Energy Allocation Strategies in Spanish Collective Self-Consumption Photovoltaic Systems

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    Collective self-consumption (CSC) systems offer a great opportunity to increase the viability of photovoltaic installations by reducing costs and increasing profitability for consumers. In addition, CSC systems increase self-sufficiency (SS) and self-consumption (SC). These systems require a proper energy allocation strategy (EAS) to define the energy distribution within the CSC. However, most EASs do not analyze the individual impact of the rules and mechanisms adopted. Therefore, six different EASs are proposed and evaluated in terms of both collective and individual cost, SC, and SS. The results show that the EASs based on minimizing collective costs are the most beneficial for the community, although they imply an unfair distribution of energy among users. On the other hand, the other EASs proposed stand out for reaching an equilibrium in terms of cost, SS, and SC, although the collective profitability is lower. The best results are achieved considering dynamic coefficients, which are preferred over static ones

    Medios y opini贸n p煤blica

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    El concepto de opini贸n p煤blica, surgido en el marco de la modernidad occidental y en el contexto del largo camino hacia la democratizaci贸n del sistema pol铆tico y de la sociedad, ha estado hist贸ricamente vinculado al estudio de los medios de comunicaci贸n. Dicha relaci贸n ha recibido diversos abordajes, que han oscilado entre la reflexi贸n te贸rica y el empirismo, con algunas propuestas puntuales de integraci贸n entre ambas perspectivas. Los autores que participan en esta compilaci贸n se mueven entre ambos terrenos y consideran la relaci贸n que vincula opini贸n p煤blica y medios desde una perspectiva plural de estos 煤ltimos; es decir, los textos presentados a continuaci贸n no restringen su 谩mbito de reflexi贸n a los medios masivos. Tambi茅n se toman en consideraci贸n algunas manifestaciones locales de la opini贸n p煤blica, incluso algunas vinculadas a expresiones culturales populares.Estos textos contribuyen a vincular los procesos de opini贸n p煤blica con los debates m谩s actuales sobre teor铆a de la comunicaci贸n, como por ejemplo aquellos que han vuelto a poner de relieve el concepto de narrativa, relacion谩ndolo con la conversaci贸n p煤blica y la producci贸n de los medios de comunicaci贸n, sean o no de masas. La mayor铆a de los autores que participan en esta compilaci贸n forman parte de la Red Europa Am茅rica Latina de Comunicaci贸n y Desarrollo (Real_Code), en la cual participan acad茅micos de Espa帽a y Am茅rica Latina